Shankar Marathe, Mumbai - 15 November, 2020 : Known for bringing attention to sensitive topics in the most cinematic way, Sai Deodhar brings another directorial treat "BLOOD RELATIONS" which encourages brothers to gift menstrual health, hygiene and dignity to their sisters

This global pandemic has given a lot of lessons of life to everyone and Sai brings the impact of the covid on a relationship of teenage brother and sister duo and the maturity to handle it beautifully . 

Sai introduces the two debutantes in this film Bijay Anand and Sonali Khare’s daughter, Sanayaah Anand and Pawan Shankar's son Devazya Shankar.

Sai points out that nearly every woman has experienced this feeling at some point in her life, the need to hide a tampon up a sleeve or lie about why she is feeling unwell “Why are we ashamed of a completely natural and biological process that affects half the global population? Well, it might have something to do with men” 

Buying pads or talking about periods can often be embarrassing for men which leads to its association with smells, mess, blood, gore, impurity and disgust. Result of it, women suffering in silence when it comes to “that time of the month. 

In the spirit of the festival, Sai Deodhar’s “BLOOD RELATIONS” comes as an idea to combat the stigma around menstruation in India and around the world. 

The plot revolves around a young brother and sister dealing with COVID crisis where the parents are quarantined and the sister gets her first period.

How the brother supports his sister emotionally. How the children manage the situation in the absence of their parents.

Speaking of the concept of the short film, Sai says “Period should only be used to end a sentence not a girl’s life. Bhai Dooj is a festival that celebrates the love and devotion of a brother and his sister. With the right balance of emotions, the short film brings to light that a brother’s role as his sister’s protector should not end at just shielding her from getting in trouble with their parents or the real life bad guys, but by also providing her with the basic necessities to live a healthy and dignified life. We hope this film will enable siblings to talk freely about periods and break the stigma that surrounds it”


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